Saturday, January 24, 2009

Daddy's In Charge

A few weeks ago Forrest was so nice to take care of the kids while I had a girls day out at the spa with some work friends! I was able to get a massage, manicure and pedicure. Then we finished up by having dinner. Needless to say it was very refreshing to have a small break in my week and be able to treat myself to something I wouldn’t normally do. The best part was returning home to my kids who were so happy to see me. The time to recharge was even worth the hours following where I got to put my house back in order and clean up the tornado that always hits when Dad's in charge!


Bethany said...

That looks like the tornado that hits my house everyday ... no matter who is in charge. :) I bet it was nice to get out.

Christy said...

Amen, sista! The stroller on the table was an especially nice touch. The other day I found Alaina's balancing on the top of my couch. Silly kiddies.
How have you been? It's been too long.

Josh and Becca said...

Too funny!!! I love you guys!! Miss you!

Screwed Up Texan said...

Looks the same way when my husband watches our kids! Thanks for the laugh.