Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

As we ponder on the meaning of today, the 4rth of July, I can’t help but be grateful for those true patriots that have made this day possible. Many times it is not necessarily the soldier who deserves so much of the credit for the freedoms we enjoy although they do deserve much of the credit. Many offered the ultimate sacrifice in many wars that have been fought. Although the political scope of the wars may have been in question, I have no doubt that these people will be rewarded in heaven for what they did and it is our obligation to remember them as well. They fought for our freedoms and I will forever be in awe of their sacrifices.

Today I write this blog to thank those who fight for our freedom on a different front and yet deserve just as much thanks. Today their are many patriots who are putting their lives on the line, not necessarily on the battlefield as we would think it, but in the real battlefield for the survival of our country. Most people think that the battlefield for the freedom of our country is in Iraq or Afghanistan, but I promise you that that battlefield is pale in comparison with the battle that is being fought in our own country for our freedoms. The outcome of this battle will determine whether we are free to raise our families according to the gospel, or whether we are in bondage. This war, just like the war in heaven is not being fought with guns and swords and other weapons of war. It is being fought by true patriots who are getting involved and doing all they can to uphold and defend the constitution of this land as it is being ripped to shreds. These people can be found in various places, unfortunately not where they should be found though at the head of our government. These are the people who deserve our help and support just as much if not more than the soldier who is fighting the supposed “War on Terrorism”.

The true outcome of our freedom will not be determined on if we win the war on terrorism, but rather if we can determine who the real terrorists are. Terrorists in my opinion are those who would fight to take our freedoms from us and enslave us just as the Lamanites tried on many occasions to enslave the Nephites in the Book of Mormon. If we are not actively striving to defend the constitution and those who would defend it and hold it absolute, who is to say that we really deserve to be free. Many people in this country and even in the church have no more right to be free than the Nephites did in their wicked state. These people think that freedom is a right and not a responsibility. We should not be surprised if one day we wake up and there are no more holidays like the 4rth of July to celebrate if we are not willing to pay the price to maintain that freedom. We are all under this obligation, myself included. The only way that I could expect to be free in this land is if I am willing to get involved as the founding fathers had in mind and “Exercise Eternal Vigilance” to maintain our republic and the constitution.

As we celebrate this holiday with our families and go camping or whatever it is we do, let’s at least give a little thought to remember the purpose of this holiday and rededicate ourselves to making sure there are many more 4rth of Julys to celebrate in the future. Teach your children of the sacrifices that were made not only by soldiers, but also by patriots such as the Founding Fathers of this country. Don’t let the day pass without doing something to both remember the sacrifices given by others for our freedoms, but also in dedicating ourselves to likewise being patriots of freedom.

"If America is destroyed, it may be by Americans who salute the flag, sing the national anthem, march in patriotic parades, cheer Fourth of July speakers - normally good Americans who fail to comprehend what is required to keep our country strong and free - Americans who have been lulled away into a false security." (April 1968, General Conference Report)

"If the Gentiles on this land reject the word of God and conspire to overthrow liberty and the Constitution, their doom is fixed, and they 'shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant' (1 Nephi 14:6; 3 Nephi 21:11, 14, 21; D&C 84:114-115, 117). (God Family, Country, p. 345.) (Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson p. 618-119.)


Screwed Up Texan said...

I whole-heartedly believe that we are at a pivotal turning point in our country today. The outcome of this year's election will determine the outcome of the war. The election will also determine the extent to which our freedoms are taken away or given back to us. We as Americans are at risk of having our fundamental rights disposed of by elitists, special interest groups, polititians, environmentalists and others. Our rights such as keeping and bearing arms and free speech (among others) are deteriorating. Capitalism is being replaced with Communism. American "Can-Do" is being replaced with "Give-Me" and "Save-Me."

I was shocked--well not really--by the recent statistics of the approval rating of Congress. our morning radio program stated that the approval rating of Congress is a mere 14%! If Americans don't approve of Congress, then WHY do we choose to keep them in office and allow them to continue to take away our rights? Is it time to "blow out" Congress as Jeff Bolton (KLIF 570, Dallas, TX) states? I believe I may be in agreement.

Screwed Up Texan said...

Alrighty Forrest,

The answer to your burning question is on my blog at

And YES Texans are the BEST!