Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Trip to the ER

On Saturday afternoon we had our first dreaded trip that all parents try to avoid....a trip to the E.R. Zachary had his first, and hopefully last visit. We had a great day playing with friends all morning. Then in the afternoon we decided to go outside. The kids played on the swing set and in the sand box. Right as we were going inside my friends son got sand in his eyes. As I was figuring out how to help him Brooklyn ran into the bathroom to get some water for us and on her way out she shut the door. Well, that is great, except when Zachary is right there with his finger in the door jam. I immediately heard him screaming and knew something was wrong. I looked over to see a pile of blood and a crying baby sitting on the ground. I quickly inspected his mouth and then spotted his finger looking as though the tip had been sliced with a knife from the fingernail forward. So I called over two neighbors and my mom to help since I knew at that point I could not handle 4 children by myself, especially 2 that needed attention right then. We put Zachary's finger in a cloth and got him to settle down after about 5 minutes with a pacifier. Then we got the sand out of my friends son's eyes and loaded everyone in the van to head to the hospital.

After dropping off my friends kids and Brooklyn to grandpa we were finally able to make it to the E.R. We ended up getting there around 6pm and staying for about 4 hours. While waiting Zachary was quite content and really wanted to get down and run around. After about 2 hours in the waiting room we were able to go back to a room where they took an x-ray of Zachary's finger and told us he would probably need surgery to fix his finger. Then it took another hour to get a bandage put back on his finger and get discharged from the hospital. I was just glad that Zachary handled the situation well and even let us take a picture of him sitting in the hospital bed.

Four days later Zachary is still doing well. We went to an orthopedic Surgeon on Monday and he said the finger is healing very well and he is going to hold off on doing surgery...yeah!! He told us that the finger and the nail should grow back completely. We will keep you all posted on how things go with this little injury. Tonight I got a picture of his fingers to compare how much it changes over the next few weeks.


Josh and Becca said...

Oh my gosh! That looks horrible!! Holy cow. You're amazing to keep cool...I seriously would have lost it. Poor Zachary...

Sarah and Jesse said...

Holley-Oh my gosh... That is horrible what happened to Zachary. I am glad to hear he is doing better. I am glad to find your blog now we can be blog buddies. Love you and Send my love to Brooklyn, Zachary and Forest

Anonymous said...

So sorry that happened to Zachary. That is his trigger finger so I am glad it is healing. Can not believe how big the kids are getting. So sorry I missed ya'll when you were up.